Parents’ Beginning of year meetings

Dear parents,

Welcome to scholastic year 2024 – 2025!

Primary Years

Online parental meetings for primary years through MS Teams will be held on Tuesday 24th September: Year 1 – Year 6 at 9:30 a.m.

The first day of school for Year 1 – Year 6 students is Wednesday 25th September.


The online parental meeting for kindergarten through Ms Teams will be held on Monday 30th September: KG1 and KG2 at 9:30 a.m.

The first day of school for KG2 students is Tuesday 1st October.

Children who started attending school in February 2024 will start on the 1st October.

Kinder 1 students will start on Tuesday 1st or Wednesday 2nd October 2024 according to the child’s registration number. Kindly refer to the table below:


February intake 2024

Dear all, a gentle reminder that February intake students will start on the Monday 4th or Tuesday 5th February 2024 according to the child’s registration number. Please see table below:

Reading stars AWARDS 2023/24 – Term 1

We are proud to present our Reading Stars Awards for Term 1:

Yr 1s Bronze Award
Yr 1 Silver Award
Yr 2s Bronze Award
Yr 3s Bronze Award
Year 3s Bronze and Silver Awards
Yr 4s Bronze Award
Yr 4s Silver Award
Yr 5s Bronze Award
Yr 5s Silver Award
Yr 6s Bronze Award
Yr 6s Silver Award

reading stars awards 2022/23

Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present our Reading Stars for this scholastic year. Awards were given a as follows: Bronze Award-45 books, Silver Award- 90 Books, Gold Award- 135 books, Platinum Awards- 180 books and Outstanding Award- 225 Books