School Vision and Mission

School Vision

 We aim to equip our children with 21st Century employability skills consisting of Communication, Self-Learning, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaborative Problem-Solving, Entrepreneurship and Literacy whilst empowering them to be lifelong-learners.  Complementing this, we seek to embed the values of respect and responsibility as a foundation of living in a multi-cultural, international and evolving society.


We, the administrators, teachers, kindergarten assistants and LSAs at Naxxar Primary School, mindful  of our responsibilities towards the children entrusted to our care, shall, in collaboration with parents, strive to help each student achieve a balanced and well-formed personality so that the spiritual, moral, intellectual,  social, affective, aesthetic and physical dimensions are integrated into a harmonious whole.  To reach these aims we need:
  • The teachers as educators and LSAs
  • The parents as the primary source of education for their children
  • All other employees at school
  • The Education Division
  • The School Council
  • The Wider Community

The Spiritual Dimension:
Together we shall instil in our students a love for God and Man, and a love for Jesus Christ, Our Saviour. We shall teach Christian values as explained in the Gospels, and we shall make the children aware that love towards God must be reflected in love towards their fellows.

The Moral Dimension:
Our moral teaching shall be based on the fundamental value of the human person, irrespective of his/her colour, race, creed or religion, as God’s own child.  In addition, we shall give great importance to basic human values such as justice, honesty, respect for others, tolerance, etc.

The Intellectual Dimension:
All children irrespective of their intellectual abilities have the right to learn. Therefore we shall not treat the children as mere receptacles into which inert knowledge is poured, thus rendering them into passive learners, but do our utmost to develop in them lively and inquiring minds, open to discovery and aware of their national identity. Through Maths and Science we shall help them to learn to observe, to analyse, and to draw conclusions in a critical way. We shall therefore strive to give individual attention as much as possible, prepare our lessons thoroughly and provide remedial teaching to those who need it.

The Social Dimension:
Mindful of the rapid developments within the sphere of the family, and of the problems which beset society in general, we shall strive to instil in our students a social awareness. This means that our students will shed their selfishness and become more helpful towards those in need. This is already being achieved partially through the integration of children with special needs into our classrooms. We shall, however, integrate into our children’s minds a sense of gratitude and love towards their parents, elders and superiors. We shall try to make our senior students aware of the social problems in Malta and abroad. They will be made aware of the harm of drugs, and they will receive sex education from highly competent persons. Exhibitions with a social theme will be encouraged.

The Affective Dimension:
We shall encourage healthy relationships among the children through interaction in the classrooms and beyond. We shall encourage healthy relationships between the children and the teachers. We shall encourage activities which are connected with the affective domain of the curriculum.

The Aesthetic Dimension:
This is developed through creativity. Therefore Wednesday creative afternoons will also cater for art, music, drama, choir singing, film appreciation, videos concerning our island etc. These activities will help our students develop a sense of discovery, of wonder and appreciation.

The Physical Dimension:
Physical education, games, and other sporting activities will help greatly towards the formation of a healthy individual. Thus, at all Year levels, sports and physical activities will be encouraged.

It is clear that these seven dimensions overlap in a great way, and this is as it should be if we want to start developing the children, from the beginning, at Primary level, as harmonious well-balanced individuals.