Registration of new students:
This is open for children residing at Naxxar, San Pawl tat-Targa and Salini. In case of families not falling under these catchment areas, an official request has to be made to the College Principal (25986500). Preference is given to children coming from the school’s catchment area. Students who need to be transferred from another school (State and Non-State) also need to go through the Office of the Principal (Head of College Network).
There are two intakes for 3-year olds into Kindergarten; October (first week) intake for children born between May 1 and December 31 of the same year and February( first week) intake for children born between January 1st and April 30th of the following year. Children have to be fully toilet trained before they can start attending school. Children can also join the other year groups according to their Date of Birth according to available space. Tuition is free for all EU citizens. Our school is bilingual. Lessons are delivered in Maltese and English.
Detailed information of parents’ home and contact telephone number and any subsequent changes must be immediately communicated to the school administration to ensure that information is correct at all times.
Information about the child’s medical history that would enable the school to safeguard the health and safety of the child must include what should be done/not be done in case of accidents.
Parents are also requested to fill in Data Protection forms on registrations. Any changes have to be communicated to the school. Student data is strictly confidential and is covered by the Data Protection Act.
The official Application Form has to be collected from school (NEW COVID 19 MEASURES ARE IN PLACE). Parents listed on the birth certificate of the child need to sign at school in the presence of a school official.
- Proof of residence in Naxxar – Maltese ID card and letting agreement/utility bill (in Naxxar address)
- Passport/identification of both parents (as per child’s birth certificate)
- English official version of child’s birth certificate in the case of students NOT born locally
- Passport of child in the case of students NOT born locally
Parents listed on birth certificate are requested to sign an application form at school in the presence of school administrators.
Non-English speaking students still have to be registered at Naxxar Primary School but will attend a whole year of induction classes. These might not be located at our school but transport will be provided.
Children attending Naxxar Primary School will follow all lessons including Maltese. Lessons are conducted in both English and Maltese language except for the Maltese lessons.
Applications for registrations for compulsory education are received at the Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE), Great Siege Road, Floriana.
It is recommended that applicants phone for an appointment with the officer in charge of registration. You will need to arrange an appointment by phoning.
25981585 or 25981590